(continued from Air Menu Node)

INI Maint

The INI Maint (enhanced) program enables settings to be altered in Tourplan which can (to a degree) customise the software or implement features.

INI Settings should not be altered or set without first obtaining advice from the local Tourplan Support Office. Altering some settings can make the system unusable.


The INI Maint application is accessed via System> INI Maint.

Screen Shot 173: Ini Maint

INI Maint is divided into 12 sections, each one controlling the settings of separate modules in Tourplan. The available settings in each section will be discussed separately.

Due to on-going system development, INI settings are frequently being added, and others being made redundant. Redundant settings have a red background.


  1. Tourplan.ini: Enables access to the on disk file tourplan_v2.ini.

Depending on the type of Tourplan installation, the tourplan_v2.ini file may be common to all system users. This means that any change will affect all users and may make the system unavailable for some users. Similarly, in some network configurations, attempting to access the tourplan_v2.ini file from INI Maint may result in a file not found error.


  1. System: Access the INI Settings applicable system wide
  2. Database: Database exclusive INI settings.
  3. PCM: PCM exclusive INI settings.
  4. FastBook: FastBook exclusive INI settings.
  5. GroupBook: GroupBook exclusive INI settings.
  6. Debtors: (Agents/Accounts Receivable) exclusive INI settings.
  7. Creditors: (Suppliers/Accounts Payable) exclusive INI settings.
  8. General Ledger: GL exclusive INI settings.
  9. Internet: Tourplan iCom exclusive INI settings.
  10. Security: Redundant/Unused. Security System settings are now controlled by the Ini Maint CRM application.
  11. Ini Maint CRM: Settings to enable Pax information labels in bookings.

In all sections, settings are enabled by clicking the Insert button in the button bar. This will display a drop-down from which the setting can be chosen.

Screen Shot 174: INI Setting Dialogue

Screen Shot 175: INI Setting Name Drop-down

The INI Setting dialogue fields are:

Name (Drop-down)

The pre-defined setting name.

INI Setting names are not user defined or customisable. They are pre-defined in the INI Maint application. Any attempt to change the Name will make the function unusable.


Value (100 Chars)

The value for the setting. In most cases the available values will be displayed in the description field.

Description (60 Chars)

A brief description of the setting and its available values.

User ID (Drop-down)

A number of INI settings can be set on a per user basis. Where this is available, this field will be live—otherwise it will be dimmed out. If the INI setting is available per user, the user name can be selected from the drop-down. If the setting is for all users, then select ALL from the drop-down.

The system hierarchy of searching on user based INI settings is that the user ALL will be searched last. This means that if an INI setting is valid for all except one user, then the setting needs only to be inserted twice—once for ALL users and once for the specific user.


Data Type (Not Accessible)

Displays the type of data in the Value field.

If INI settings are implemented or changed, the applicable application must be shut down and restarted before the new/amended INI setting will have an effect.


Items marked * have been incorporated as part of special development for some clients. No INI setting description is given here for specials.


Note that there can be no spaces between words in the INI name. An underscore (_) (Shift -) must be between words—e.g., EXE_PATH.


If a value is not set, in general it will be the equivalent of N(o) if it was set. If the value required is a word or string of words, then the feature/function has not been turned on.


The INI setting names described below are listed in the same order as they appear in the INI Maint drop-downs.


It is not necessary for all values to be set. Only those that are required for specific purposes need to be set.


(continued in Tourplan.ini)